Casement Windows

uPVC Casement Windows

UPVC Windows

This design has become one of the most popular styles of windows because of the versatility of the design in terms of appearance, low maintenance requirements, energy efficiency, security and the ability to be used in almost any situation. Modern frames are reinforced and window openers are fitted with high quality locks that keep them secure. Double or even triple glazed window sections are achieving ‘A’ rated energy efficiency status by the BFRC ( which means that you are not losing large amounts of costly heat through the glass.

double glazing windows

In terms of appearance, there are more than enough options to satisfy any property owner with almost a dozen different colours to choose from, including wood grain effect surfaces. The latest uPVC Casement windows have a long life span, the colours don’t fade and the frames resist warping & cracking for many years.

Casement Window Features

  • Wide Choice of Design Styles
  • Over a Dozen Different Colours
  • Wood effect finishes, including wood-grain surface
  • Low Maintenance & Long Life Span
  • High Security Multi-point Locks on openers
  • Energy Efficient Frames & Low-e Glazed Panels

colours & casement windows

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uPVC Casement Windows

UPVC Windows

This design has become one of the most popular styles of windows because of the versatility of the design in terms of appearance, low maintenance requirements, energy efficiency, security and the ability to be used in almost any situation. Modern frames are reinforced and window openers are fitted with high quality locks that keep them secure. Double or even triple glazed window sections are achieving ‘A’ rated energy efficiency status by the BFRC ( which means that you are not losing large amounts of costly heat through the glass.

double glazing windows

In terms of appearance, there are more than enough options to satisfy any property owner with almost a dozen different colours to choose from, including wood grain effect surfaces. The latest uPVC Casement windows have a long life span, the colours don’t fade and the frames resist warping & cracking for many years.

Casement Window Features

  • Wide Choice of Design Styles
  • Over a Dozen Different Colours
  • Wood effect finishes, including wood-grain surface
  • Low Maintenance & Long Life Span
  • High Security Multi-point Locks on openers
  • Energy Efficient Frames & Low-e Glazed Panels

colours & casement windows